Q: What are the times and dates of the tournament? A: The tournament starts at 8am on November 19 and will end with the awards ceremony at approximately 6pm.
Q: What are the deadline dates and costs for registration? A: The registration and payment deadline is November 5th. This year you can register your team for only $20!
Q: How do I register? A: You can easily register your team by simply filling out the online form. Online registration is mandatory. Make sure to fill the form out completely. If you have any questions, please contact us at 248-795-5417.
Q: How can I pay for my team? A: You may pay online using a credit card using PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to use it. Just enter your information ... it is completely secure and safe. Visit the Great Lakes Payment Center to begin the process of paying online. You will be paying a nominal fee per team to cover the PayPal fee for the convenience of paying online. Sorry. If you don't want to pay via credit card, you may write a check payable to Detroit Bible Quizzing. Send it to our treasurer, Cindy Hatfield, at 6148 Higgins, Sterling Heights, MI, 48314. This check MUST ARRIVE NO LATER than the deadline dates. If there are any issues, please call Cindy at 586-918-7506.
Q: Where is the tournament being held? A: Cross Pointe Community Church has opened it's beautiful facility for us to use. They are located at 36125 Glenwood Road, Wayne, Michigan 48184. Here's a map to the church.
Q: What is the material being covered at the tournament? A: The JV/Varsity division will cover Luke 1-6. For the Little League division, it will be Luke 2-4:30. None of the divisions will cover the genealogy in Luke 3:23-38. All divisions will use the Berean Study Bible (BSB).
Q: What quizzing style will be used at this tournament? A: We will be using WBQA rules with a full 6 round preliminary bracket & complete round robin tournament playoff to end the day.
Q: What hotels are near the church that I can stay at? A: Click here for a map of some hotels near the church.